20,000+ ladies from the
Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia,
Singapore, and other countries

Contact Renee Piane

National Headquarters
  Renee Piane Enterprises LLC
Rapid Dating & Networking
4712 Admiralty Way, Suite # 721
Marina Del Rey, CA 90202
Phone: (310) 827-1100 (In CA)
Fax: (310) 496-0940 (866)
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Renee Piane is not only the best dating coach, she is the best overall consultant I have ever worked with in any field.

Renee knows the subject of dating thoroughly - and she knows every subject related to dating. She is at the top of her game.

Renee is a master at pinpointing areas in her clients that need attention. She can assess situations with the rapidity of a heat-seeking missile. And although she pulls no punches, she also communicates with dignity and compassion.

She gives the impression of being completely dedicated to her work. She is quick to respond and gives, gives, gives to her clients. She is one of those rare birds who undersells and over delivers.

Paul Parks